Help Docs

Latency Dashboard

View and track the latency between multiple On-Premise Pollers in your Site24x7 account using latency dashboards. These dashboards help you monitor the availability and connectivity of geographically distributed On-Premise Pollers and pinpoint transit network issues, if any. The On-Premise Poller will poll every five minutes to collect the availability and latency across the other On-Premise Pollers.


Setup and Configuration

You can set up a Latency Dashboard by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account.
  2. Click Admin > On-Premise Pollers.
  3. Hover on the hamburger icon beside the On-Premise Poller and click Edit.
  4. Toggle to Yes next to Collect latency between the other On-Premise Pollers in your account under the Latency Dashboard Settings. Alternatively, you can choose to exclude specific On-Premise Pollers' latency details from the dashboard by disabling this option in the Edit On-Premise Poller page.

5. Click Save. To view the dashboard, click Admin > On-Premise Poller > On-Premise Pollers.


Ensure at least two On-Premise Pollers in your Site24x7 account to view the Latency Dashboard.

Polling Frequency

The metric data for the dashboard is collected on the default poll frequency of five minutes. Currently, the polling frequency cannot be edited.

Performance Metrics

Availability (Status) The status of the ping request sent from the source to the destination On-Premise Poller
Latency or Average Response Time (Millisecond) The average response time between the source and destination On-Premise Poller
Packet Loss (Percent) The percentage of total number of packets lost from source to destination On-Premise Poller
Max Response Time (Millisecond) The maximum response time between the source and destination On-Premise Poller
Min Response Time (Millisecond) The minimum response time between the source and destination On-Premise Poller

Troubleshooting Tips

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