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Procstat monitoring integration

The Procstat plugin enables you to collect metrics from individual processes in Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances configured in the CloudWatch agent. Site24x7's integration with Procstat allows you to monitor the metric usage and provides detailed information about the processes in your integrated EC2 monitor.


Procstat monitoring is available only for EC2 integrated with the Amazon CloudWatch agent.

Benefits of Procstat integration

You can leverage the following benefits through Procstat monitoring:

  • Monitor the resource usage of one or more processes.
  • Configure thresholds and receive alerts when a process is in Up, Down, Critical, or Trouble status.
  • View the process metrics and track the metric usage.

Use case

Consider that you have a CloudWatch Agent EC2 monitor integrated with Site24x7 that has multiple processes. The Procstat monitor provides critical insights about the processes running in your EC2 instance. You can also obtain the number of processes being used with respect to their performance status.

Prerequisites for monitoring using the CloudWatch agent

CloudWatch agent namespace

Site24x7 follows the default namespace CWAgent to collect metrics from Amazon CloudWatch. If you have a custom namespace, we recommend that you use the default namespace, CWAgent so that Site24x7 can fetch the data.

Policies and permissions

Site24x7 requires you to enable ReadOnly permissions for the following so the CloudWatch agent works seamlessly in your AWS environment:

CloudWatch agent policies

  • CloudWatchAgentAdminPolicy
  • CloudWatchAgentServerPolicy

EC2 permissions

  • "ec2:DescribeInstances"
  • "ec2:DescribeImages"

CloudWatch permissions

  • "cloudwatch:GetMetricData"
  • "cloudwatch:GetMetricStatistics"
  • "cloudwatch:ListMetrics"

CloudWatch agent in Site24x7

CloudWatch agent in Site24x7 for Procstat monitors is automatically added.

Supported metrics

Procstat agent for Windows

Metric nameDescriptionUnit
 Cpu_Time_System  The amount of time that the process is in system mode. This metric is measured in hundredths of a second.  Count
 Cpu_Time_User  The amount of time that the process is in user mode. This metric is measured in hundredths of a second.  Count
 Cpu_Usage  The percentage of time that the process is active in any capacity.   Percentage
 Memory_Rss  The amount of real memory (Resident Set Size) that the process is using.   Bytes
 Memory_Vms  The amount of virtual memory that the process is using.   Bytes
 Read_Bytes  The number of bytes that the process has read from disks.   Bytes
 Write_Bytes  The number of bytes that the process has written to disks.   Bytes
 Read_Count  The number of disk read operations that the process has executed.   Count
 Write_Count  The number of disk write operations that the process has executed.   Count

Procstat agent for Linux

Metric nameDescriptionUnit
 Cpu_Time_System  The amount of time that the process is in system mode. This metric is measured in hundredths of a second.  Count
 Cpu_Time_User  The amount of time that the process is in user mode. This metric is measured in hundredths of a second.  Count
 Cpu_Usage  The percentage of time that the process is active in any capacity.   Percentage
 Memory_Rss  The amount of real memory (resident set) that the process is using.   Bytes
 Memory_Vms  The amount of virtual memory that the process is using.   Bytes
 Read_Bytes  The number of bytes that the process has read from disks.   Bytes
 Write_Bytes  The number of bytes that the process has written to disks.   Bytes
 Read_Count  The number of disk read operations that the process has executed.   Count
 Write_Count  The number of disk write operations that the process has executed.   Count
 Cpu_Time  The amount of time that the process uses the CPU. This metric is measured in hundredths of a second.  Count
 Memory_Swap  The amount of swap memory that the process is using.   Bytes
 Memory_Stack  The amount of stack memory that the process is using.   Bytes
 Memory_Locked  The amount of memory that the process has locked.   Bytes
 Memory_Data  The amount of memory that the process uses for data.   Bytes
 Involuntary_Context_Switches  The number of times that the process was involuntarily context-switched.   Count
 Voluntary_Context_Switches  The number of times that the process was context-switched voluntarily.   Count
 Realtime_Priority  The number of current uses of the real-time priority for the process.  Count
 Nice_Priority  The number of current uses of the nice priority for the process.   Count
 Signals_Pending  The number of signals pending to be handled by the process.   Count
 Rlimit_Cpu_Time_Hard  The hard CPU time resource limit for the process.   Count
 Rlimit_Cpu_Time_Soft  The soft CPU time resource limit for the process.   Count
 Rlimit_File_Locks_Hard  The hard file locks the resource limit for the process.   Count
 Rlimit_File_Locks_Soft  The soft file locks the resource limit for the process.   Count
 Rlimit_Memory_Data_Hard  The hard resource limit on the process for memory used for data.   Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Data_Soft  The soft resource limit on the process for memory used for data.   Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Locked_Hard  The hard resource limit on the process for locked memory.   Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Locked_Soft  The soft resource limit on the process for locked memory.   Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Rss_Hard  The hard resource limit on the process for physical memory.  Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Rss_Soft  The soft resource limit on the process for physical memory.  Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Stack_Hard  The hard resource limit on the process stack.   Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Stack_Soft  The soft resource limit on the process stack.   Bytes
 Rlimit_Memory_Vms_Hard  The hard resource limit on the process for virtual memory.  Bytes

Threshold configuration

To configure thresholds for your integrated monitor:

  1. Log in to your Site24x7 account and navigate to Admin > Configuration Profiles > Threshold and Availability.
  2. Click Add Threshold Profile.
  3. Select CloudWatch Agent Procstat from the Monitor Type drop-down menu.
  4. Provide an appropriate name in the Display Name field. The supported metrics are displayed in the Threshold Configuration section. You can set threshold values for all the metrics listed above.
  5. After you set the threshold values for the applicable metrics, click Save.

To get notified about Procstat status changes, enable the Notify for Procstat status changes option available in the CloudWatch Agent threshold profile.


Five Procstat monitors are considered a basic monitor.

Viewing Procstat monitor data

To view Procstat data,

  1. Navigate to Cloud > AWS > EC2 Instance.

    The Procstat data is available only for an EC2 Instance configured with CloudWatch Agent.

  2. Select the applicable monitor.
  3. Navigate to the CloudWatch Agent Plugins tab. The Procstat monitors will be listed in the CloudWatch Agent Procstat section.

  4. Click the required Process Name. You'll be redirected to the Procstat monitor Summary tab. 

Procstat monitor data

You can view your Procstat data on the following tabs.


The Summary tab provides overall details like overall Availability, Down/Trouble History, and metric details such as CPU Usage, Read Count, Write Count, and Read Bytes.


The Outages tab displays the Down/Trouble History with the start time and end time of an outage, the duration, and comments (if any). To add an outage, click Add Outage and enter the Start Time, End Time, and Description. Click Save to save the outage details and view the outage on the Outages tab. You also have the option to share the outage details in CSV, PDF, or email format. To share the outage data, click Share This.


View the inventory details, such as the Instance ID, Region, Monitor Licensing Category, and Check Frequency, on the Inventory tab.

Log Report

The Log Report tab displays the Collection Time and Status of your Procstat monitor based on the time, location, and availability. Click Download CSV to obtain your log reports in CSV format.

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