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Amazon CloudSearch Monitoring Integration

Amazon CloudSearch lets you easily add search capabilities to your website or web application without worrying about instance provisioning, scaling, setup and maintenance. With Site24x7's integration you can monitor and receive alerts on metrics for your search domains.

Setup and configuration

  • If you haven't done it already, enable programmatic access to your AWS resource by creating a cross-account IAM Role between your AWS account and Site24x7's AWS account or you can create Site24x7 as an IAM user and generate security credentials. Learn more.
  • In the Integrate AWS Account page, make sure the check box next to the CloudSearch listing is selected to enable metric collection. Learn more.

Policies and Permissions

Site24x7 uses various CloudSearch APIs to list all search domains and to collect information about them. We recommend that you assign the AWS managed policy ReadOnlyAccess to the Site24x7 entity (IAM user or IAM Role) to help Site24x7 seamlessly collect data. If you're assigning custom policy, please make sure the following read-level actions are present in the policy JSON.

  • "cloudsearch:DescribeDomains",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeIndexFields",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeAvailabilityOptions",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeScalingParameters",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeAnalysisSchemes",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeServiceAccessPolicies",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeExpressions",
  • "cloudsearch:DescribeSuggesters"

Poll frequency

Each of your search instances send metrics to CloudWatch every 1 minute. Site24x7 aggregates these 1 minute data points as per the poll frequency set (1 minute to a day).


Each search domain is considered a basic monitor

Supported metrics

The following metrics are collected per search domain:

AttributeDescriptionData typeStatistics
Successful requests Measures the number of search requests successfully processed by the search index. Count Sum and Maximum
Searchable documents Measures the number of searchable documents in the domain's search index. Count Maximum
Index Utilization Measures the percentage of the search instance's index capacity that has been used. Percent Average and Maximum
Partitions Measures the number of partitions the index is distributed across. Count Minimum and Maximum

To view data

  • Sign in to the Site24x7 console.
  • In the left navigation pane, choose AWS and choose your monitored AWS account.
  • In the menu drop-down, choose CloudSearch
  • From a list of monitored search domains, choose the one for which you want to view metrics for.

Amazon CloudSearch monitoring UI pages


Time series charts for Amazon CloudSearch domain metrics are displayed.

Domain details

The integration collects the following metadata :

Domain Name String that represents the name of the domain.
Status The current status of the domain.
Region The AWS region where the CloudSearch domain resides.
Index fields The number of index fields configured for the domain.
Search Instance type The instance type that is being used to process search requests.
Search endpoint The endpoint through which you can submit search requests.
Document endpoint The endpoint through which you can submit document updates.
Availability options The availability options configured for the domain.
Multi-AZ Indicates whether Multi-AZ is enabled for the domain or not.
Replication count The number of replicas you want to preconfigure for your domain.
Scaling options The status and configuration of a search domain's scaling parameters.
Domain ARN The Amazon Resource Name of the search domain.

Index Fields

The name and type of each index field configured for the search domain is displayed.

Expressions and Suggesters

The expressions that are configured for sorting search results and the suggesters that are used to retrieve suggestions for incomplete queries are displayed.

Schemes and Policies

The text analysis schemes applied to the domain's index fields and the access policy schemes configured for the domain's document and search endpoints are displayed.


Estimate future values of the following performance metrics and make informed decisions about adding capacity or scaling your AWS infrastructure.

  • Index Utilization
  • Searchable Documents

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