Help Docs

Monitor Groups

Monitor Groups help organize resources being monitored by geography, function, topology, ownership or by business application. Site24x7 creates an integrated view for effective monitoring and management by grouping resources.

For example, the performance and uptime of your business critical e-commerce depends on various factors such as availability of the website, load time of web page and its individual HTML components, whether your DNS server is resolving domain names correctly etc. Now these services and applications can be combined and organised together as monitor groups for effective monitoring.

Another example is where one can group all the Linux and Windows server monitors under a group named "server" and make it easy to manage. This grouping can be used for viewing reports and other administrative tasks. You can even create a monitor group exclusively for Linux server monitors and add the Linux server monitors in this group. Likewise you can add a single monitor in multiple monitor groups.

Refer here to know more on how to add monitor groups.

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