Help Docs

Install .NET Core agent using NuGet

  1. Add the NuGet package Site24x7.APMInsight.Agent to your .NET Core project using the Package Manager in Visual Studio.
    PM> Install-Package Site24x7.APMInsight.Agent
  2. Set the below environment variables, and replace with the necessary configuration:


    • After publishing the application with the agent package added via Nuget, the folder site24x7 will be automatically created in the application's publish directory.
    • Once the application is deployed to production, you must replace the value of the environment variable APP_DEPLOYMENT_DIRECTORY with the publish directory of the application.


  3. Replace SITE24X7_LICENSE_KEY with the license key copied from the Site24x7 portal.
  4. Publish and deploy the application.
  5. Perform transactions to start monitoring.


  • Ensure that the agent files are in the Site24x7 folder in the root of the application to be published.
  • Ensure that the environment variables are set correctly.     


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