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List of Feature Requests for StatusIQ / Statuspages

We think StatusIQ is really good! In conjunction with Site24x7 a perfect solution.
If we want to change from our previous Statuspage solution to StatusIQ, then we need some more features at StatusIQ.
It would be great if these things on the following list get on the roadmap.


GUI: Responsive Design or native App


For On-Call Duty – when you're on the road - the current GUI would be easier to use if a native App for iOS/Android exists or if the GUI is optimized for mobile devices.


Events: Incident and Maintenance Templates


If it becomes hectic and you do not always know what to write to the customers (subscribers), then templates can help.


Events: Additional Coordinator field


Especially for internal services it is helpful for the subscribers to know whom they can reach to in case of further questions.

An optional field for the entry of a „coordinator“ would be helpful for incidents and maintenance.

It could also be prefilled with the currently logged in user.

But should be changeable.


Components: Hide components from dashboard


If a service/component is no longer available for customers or other reasons then an option to hide a component would be helpful rather then delete.

Then we don’t losing all data for a component and we will still have data and metrics available for later reports.


Alerting: Third party Integrations


It would be very helpful for ops teams if we can also send incidents and maintenance events to Slack and Teams.


E-Mail: Domain White List


We do not want everyone to be able to subscribe, and a limitation to email domains would be helpful.


E-Mail: Custom E-mail signature


Adding your own signature to e-mails is also helpful.


E-Mail: Custom E-mail text for incidents and maintenance


Adding your own greeting text to e-mails is also helpful.


E-Mail: Export of all subscribers via CSV


Currently only an import is possible. Export as CSV for all subscribers is very helpful.


E-Mail: Show event logs for e-mail delivery


If customers say they did not receive any messages, a log would be very helpful for analyze.

Logfile should show that E-Mail was successfully sent, bounced or rejected.


E-Mail: Test E-mail function


To test sending of incident or maintenance events a test function with a custom e-mail address is very helpful.


E-Mail: Alerts for notification alerts


If you get on a blacklist or there are problems with recipients, an automatic alarm would be very helpful. For example:


  • Hard bounces greater than 10% of sent email within a 24 hour period.
  • Soft bounces greater than 10% of sent email within a 24 hour period.
  • Rejected email greater than 10% of sent email within a 24 hour period.


Reports: Uptime reports for all or specific services


Reports for business units or customers are very helpful in communication.

Monthly Reports for all or specific services (SLA defined) would be helpful.

Or an API exists to get all events with Start/End time, Event Typ and Event Status exists.


Others: Google analytics tracking for public pages


The integration of Google Analytics for public status pages would be very helpful for later analyses.




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Replies (24)

Dear Torsten, 

   These are great set of features you have listed for StatusIQ. Thanks for taking the time to list it here. Some of them are already in our roadmap. We'll update this post as and when we have updates. 


Product Manager, Site24x7

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Hello Jasper,

few more things (features).

It happens quite often that a maintenance is announced to customers but Ops forget to put the monitors in Site24x7 into maintenance. This ends up into unnecessary alarms for On-Call duty.
Very nice is already the current possibility to enter the maintenance in Site24x7. This maintenance entry is automatically synchronized according to StatusIQ.
Another great feature would now be the other way around. A maintenance announcement for customers in StatusIQ automatically generates the maintenance settings in Site24x7. So there are no more unnecessary alarms.

Another feature is rather an extension. Currently it is possible to link a component in StatusIQ with a Site24x7 monitor.
However, since it is also possible for a component to consist of several Monitoring Agents, it would be helpful if you could link SEVERAL monitors to ONE component.
In Site24x7 it is also possible to select several monitors for a maintenance entry. In this case currently only ONE monitor is synchronized to StatusIQ. Could this be changed?

And finally a little bug in the completed maintenance window. The menu shows options for incidents. It think this is not wanted here isn't it?




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Thanks Torsten for adding to your thoughts. Every request that you have asked for makes sense. We will work on bringing out each one of them. 

>>However, since it is also possible for a component to consist of several Monitoring Agents, it would be helpful if you could link SEVERAL monitors to ONE component.

Regarding the above statement, when would you consider the component as down and needs to be communicated to your customers? ex: When there are 5 monitors and 1 components. How would you like us to determine the status of the component. One way to do it is to take a % of down monitors to make the component down. 



Product Manager, Site24x7

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Hi Jasper,

good question.

If not all monitors for a component are down then the component could be automatically marked as "partial outage".

% of down monitors seems to be a good option to do this.

Thanks and Regards,



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Dear Torsten,

Two features from your feature request list are live.


1. Responsive client: Now all important things like managing incidents, status updates, notifying subscribers etc., can be done from your mobile.
Few screenshots can be seen below.

2. Export of all subscribers via CSV:
Option to export both email and SMS subscribers of a status page in CSV format. And the same CSV file can be used to import subscribers to any status page in StatusIQ.
Please find navigation below.

All other feature requests you made are on our roadmap and we are working on them. We will update this space once other features are also live.



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Thanks for the update! I am very happy to see that the requests are implemented so quickly.



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i just tested the CSV export.

Could you also please add the subscribed components for each subscriber?

Thanks and regards,


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Sure, we will make this change in our next updates.

Thanks & Regards

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Quick question - do you support subscribe per component? Like we have 10 components there is only 1 Subscribe button. Also is this callable via an API?

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We support component wise subscription which can be enabled from our client as shown below.
So with this you can enable your status page subscribers to subscribe to individual components rather than all components of status page.

Help doc: https://www.site24x7.com/help/statuspage/setup-status-page/status-page-settings.html#alerting-modes





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Thx Laxmikanth - we have that enabled but there is only one option to subscribe on the status page as a user and do not see an option to choose when I subscribe, I can do if I get the manage subscription link - is that expected?

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Yes Maulik.
Only after subscribing to a status page, a manage subscription page will be shown in which you can choose the components for which you want to subscribe.



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It would be great if we could manage which components individual users are subscribed to.

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Not sure if the write postmortem after an incident happens is awesome, if it is not already available, can that be added in?   I haven't played with it as yet but if it is, can the fields be customizable so that customers can add fields to create a template that responders need to fill out and for attachments and markdown to be supported?

Another great feature would be to have admins be able to add mailing-lists as pre-subscribed to assets this way business side employees would not need to go through the manual process each time we add an asset. Another thing would be to be able to use accounts that are already setup in Site24x7 as subscribers rather than having to manually add them as new.

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Hi framirez,

Can you please let us know you requirements in detail with respect to postmortem ?

And regarding mailer list, by default all admin users of StatusIQ account would also receive incident and other related emails which are sent to page Subscribers.


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I'll put together a reply for the status page part. But for the status alert subscribe part it was more for other users that are not admins.

So let's say I create a status page for one of our sites with Database, SSL, etc. and for example I want to subscribe our VP and PM ahead of time so they don't have to go do it.

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any updates/news to the list of feature requests? 



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Dear Torsten,

We are happy to inform you know that we have released 2 more features from the feature list you requested above.

1. Incident and Maintenance Templates
2. E-Mail: Domain White List

1. Incident and Maintenance Templates: Templates can make your incident or maintenance creation process easy & faster. Incident templates can come in handy when you create templates for common incidents; all you have to do is choose which template to apply.

You can apply templates while:

  • Creating real-time incidents
  • Creating historic incidents
  • Posting updates for ongoing or active incidents
  • Scheduling maintenance.

Add Incident form

Add Incident Template form

Help Doc:

2. E-Mail: Domain White List: Restrict email subscribers based on their email domains. You can either block or allow email domains.

And we have few more other cool features which are scheduled to be released in the first week of Dec 2020, so stay tuned.

Please note above 2 features are available only for GREEN status pages. Please contact us at statusiq-support@site24x7.com for any other queries.


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Thanks for the update! 

One more thing. As i mentioned 4 months ago the csv export feature does not currently support the export of the subscribed components for each subscriber. 

Is this feature still in development?

Thanks and regards,


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Yes Torsen, we have noted it down. We will make this enhancement in our future releases.


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is it possible to add use of variables in the templates? - as far as I see, we need to write too many templates.

It would also be good, if we could make a copy of the standard templates and modify those, as they seem to have some nice functionality.


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Hi Kjeld Lau,

We will definitely work on supporting variables in StatusIQ incident templates. Could you please let us know what all variables(place holders) you would like to see in templates which will help us make this feature more useful.

And also recently we have released few more features in StatusIQ which you might find useful, you can find details here.


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Hi Torsten,

>>E-Mail: Show event logs for e-mail delivery
We have supported Email Delivery status for incident emails and emails sent for bulk import Subscribers.
Please check below help docs to know more about this feature.

Incident Emails: https://www.site24x7.com/help/statuspage/incident-communication/create-incident.html
Import Subscribers via CSV:  https://www.site24x7.com/help/statuspage/manage-subscribers/import-subscribers.html

We have also added few other interesting features to StatusIQ, you can check the details in this post - https://www.site24x7.com/community/introducing-new-ways-to-share-and-customize-your-status-pages


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Thanks for implementing this!




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