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Alerts - Can we configure differently?

Hi Folks -

Happy Friday, I hope everyone is doing well!

Currently, I have multiple windows services being checked per each server. I have it configured to alert "down" when the service is anything other than operating normally, rather than in "Trouble".

However, if a server goes down (NOT the server) the alert still says the Server when down via SMS or email subject line.  It isn't until you open the email to see that the reason the server is down is due to the fact a service is down.

Is there anyway to change that? For instance, if a server goes down, to list the server but ALSO the service with it?


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Yes it's possible to get the service name along with the monitor name in the alert. Using Email Template in Notification Profile, we can configure the alert mail being sent. The default alert mail subject is '$MONITORNAME is $STATUS'. We have an option to add an email template and set the subject line to include $DOWNREASON to know the exact cause (service down, cpu exceeds, machine down, etc). Hope this solves your problem.

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