How Site24x7 automates your serverless workflows using the AWS Lambda function URL integration



AWS Lambda is a compute service that lets you run code on high-availability infrastructure without any server provisioning. You can perform tasks such as maintenance of servers and operating systems, capacity provisioning, automatic scaling, and code logging and monitoring.

When using AWS Lambda, you are just responsible for your code. Lambda manages the resources needed to run your code, like CPU, network infrastructure, and memory. You can also leverage Lambda functions to integrate the solution with your favorite tools for monitoring, observability, security, and governance.

Site24x7-Lambda integration

On that note, Site24x7 is an end-to-end monitoring tool that helps you gain real-time observability into your Lambda functions by tracking their health, performance, and logs. You can now stay on top of serverless monitoring by collecting metrics on function activity, code execution time, and errors, thereby optimizing the performance of your AWS serverless functions.

The Site24x7-Lambda integration helps you measure key performance counters including invocations, errors, duration, and throttles. You can also configure alarms to check function latency and code execution bottlenecks.

Serverless workflows

As the name suggests, there is no server involved here. In other words, there is no infrastructure provisioning done by you, and you’re charged based on your usage. You will be billed as per your memory consumption, the number of requests, and the duration of the requests. The serverless workflows can be configured in AWS Step Functions, where you can create Lambda functions.

Lambda functions

Lambda functions can be invoked to run your code in your AWS environment. You can configure functions either through the AWS Lambda API or through the Lambda functions console. Once a function is created, you can configure its settings for many function capabilities and options such as permissions, environment variables, tags, and layers.

Lambda function URL

A Lambda function can be in the form of a URL as well. A function URL is an endpoint for your Lambda function. Like Lambda functions, Lambda function URLs can be created using the Lambda console or the Lambda API. Once a function URL is created, Lambda automatically generates a dedicated URL endpoint. Function URLs support cross-origin resource sharing, which enables you to define the various origins from which the URL can be accessed. You can also monitor Lambda function URLs, where Lambda sends metrics about the function URL requests to CloudWatch. With these metrics, you can monitor your function URLs, build dashboards, and configure alarms in Site24x7. We have been part of the launch of AWS Lambda function URL as a AWS Lambda Service Partner. 

Site24x7 Lambda function URL metrics

Function URLs support the following metrics that Site24x7 also monitors:

URL Request Count Measures the number of URL function requests
URL 4xx Count Measures the number of requests that return a 4xx HTTP status code error. The 4xx series errors are received in the server response when there is an error in the client request.
URL 5xx Count Measures the number of requests that return a 5xx HTTP status code error. The 5xx series errors indicate server-side errors such as function errors and timeouts.
URL Request Latency Measures the time taken by the function URL to receive and respond to a request

Webhooks integration

You can also integrate webhooks with Site24x7 to connect multiple applications to your Site24x7 data. When setting up a webhook, the Hook URL is an AWS Lambda function URL. Some specific events generated in Site24x7 will trigger the webhook, such as a change in status of a monitor to Trouble or Critical. As a response, through an HTTP request, the Lambda function URL is invoked.


Site24x7's AWS monitoring solution not only offers Lambda monitoring but also supports multiple AWS services. With our end-to-end support for over 50 AWS services and custom dashboards, Site24x7 provides greater observability into your AWS environment. 

If you’re already a user of Site24x7, see our documentation to learn more about monitoring your AWS environment.


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