I want to monitor a REST API with GET method. This API has a bearer token. When i set the bearer token to "HTTP Request Header" field, i get "This url is forbidden." error. How i can configure bearer token in REST API alarm. (You can see below how can i set the token)
HTTP Configuration;
HTTP Method: GET
HTTP Request Header; Authorization, bearer XXXXXXXXX
It looks like your API uses OAuth for authorization. You can register Site24x7 as a client on your OAuth provider using this guide: https://www.site24x7.com/help/admin/oauth2.html
Once Site24x7 has been registered as a client, you can select your OAuth provider in the Authentication field in the monitor configuration. Site24x7 will automatically retrieve tokens and submit them in the HTTP request header.
Dear Grace,
Please this document for registering Site24x7 OAuth client steps. https://www.zoho.com/accounts/protocol/oauth-setup.html
The client name can be Site24x7. I hope this is what you are asking. Let me know if you need further clarifications.