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How to generate alert from SNMP poll value

I would like to raise an alert based on the value returned by a SNMP poll of one or more OIDs of a network device.

Also, potentially store those values for future performance reporting, if possible.

I believe that none of the above features are available in site 24x7.

Can someone offer any help please?





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Replies (5)

Hi Ash,

Raising an alert based on the value returned by an SNMP poll is possible using Custom device templates. You can add custom attributes using custom device templates and set thresholds based on which you can receive alerts.

We also store the values for reporting.

Is there anything else that you are looking for?



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Thanks Santhi. Its a great new feature, which I wan't aware of before.

One more questions: 

How can I set the threshold level to raise an alert for multiple devices. Do not see that option as part of the device template. I am monitoring the performance counter from an OID , which returns an integer value and I would like to raise an alert when the integer value is not equal to x. I want to apply these to a large number of network devices 100 plus.


Also, for threshold values (to raise an alert), I do not see option for NOT EQUAL. Can this be added, please? Current options are >, <, >=, <=, =





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Hi Ash,

We are already working on both the above features and should be ready in a month. 

Please feel free to let us know if you've any other feature requests.




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Thats great Santhi.

One other feature would be good, details below:

When we enumerate a tabular performance counter, it will be good to capture data by enumerating all the child OIDs.


For example in our load balancer (F5), we would like to monitor a tabular OID

. in which

. describes a series of WideIp names

. is the corresponding integer values for those WideIPs


I would like to raise an alert when any of those WideIPs goes down i.e the performance counter integer value of . is 0.

In the alert it should have the WideIP name as well as the value i.e. . and .

Our current tool uses INDEX feature to capture all these and alert accordingly.

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That's a good suggestion, Ash.

We have already planned to do this. We'll update you once it's ready.




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