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Cloudcheckr Integration

We are using Cloudcheckr quite extensively, and it does support a very good Right Sizing tool. However, unless we deploy either Cloudwatch Agents or Datadog on each instance, we do not have any memory data, which makes it more difficult to rely on suggested instance sized.

Datadog is supported as a plugin to get that data into Cloudcheckr: eur02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fcloudcheckr.com%2F2018%2F05%2Fmemory-right-sizing%2F&data=02%7C01%7Ctom%40cloudar.be%7Ca0650d8d82244902a1c908d6e33d1a61%7C49c3d703357947bfa8887c913fbdced9%7C0%7C0%7C636946248919770391&sdata=QGUk4VdUpgyepm7P6Sejd89BahWDYzusToiC2E7rw8Q%3D&reserved=0 It would be very nice if you guys would offer us the same service Datadog does. It would quickly allow us to get all required data into Cloudcheckr without the need to deploy extra agents.

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Hi there. Todd from CloudCheckr. We deliberately are Agentless... we think the fewer agents to install, maintain and that could impact performance, the better. I wrote a blog posting about this. Let me know if I can help.


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Hi Todd,

Thanks for your reply! I know you guys are agentless, and I'm glad you are, as it is one less agent to install. I had read your blog post before, and to have memory into the equation for rightsizing, there are two options right now:

1) Use Cloudwatch Agent and push the metrics to Cloudwatch.

2) Use Datadog and integrate it with Cloudcheckr.


I don't want the burden to do any of those for all our managed servers (we are official AWS MSP Partner and host a lot of EC2 so we'd need to push agents for all these instances).

As site24x7 already has all memory usage figures, it would be great if there were an integration between site24x7 and Cloudcheckr the same way you did for Datadog. That would be a very quick win for all of us.


Kind regards,


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Thank you for this great discussion Tom and Todd.

Todd, we could integrate this memory metric in to CloudCheckr from our agents, so our common customers will benefit with this integration.

Please let us know how we can take this forward.


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Thanks! Sorry, I didn't get a notification of the response. But I got your email! I'll see if I can put you in touch with the right people. 

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Hey folks,

  Just an update with regards to this integration.   We are in talks with CloudCheckr and will update here once we have a concrete plan. Stay tuned.

PS: To get notified about this post “Follow the Topic”.


Product Manager, Site24x7

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I hope we can see something on this front — we switched from Datadog to Site24x7 (love it — should have done it sooner) but the out-of-the-box integration with CloudCheckr to get memory stats with Datadog was fantastic.

We can install the AWS CloudWatch Agent on our EC2 instances, but it seems really redundant when we get the same data from Site24x7. 

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Dear Noah, 

   We did have discussions with CloudCheckr about a year ago. However, things didn't materialize then. We will reinitiate again. 

btw, I assume you are looking at CloudCheckr for right sizing recommendations and cost optimization. If there's anything specific do let us know here so that we can take that as a starting point.  


PM, Site24x7

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That's precisely why, Jasper. Were I a "product manager at Cloudcheckr for a day" I would advocate for a more bland StatsD integration somehow.


Our team here at Stanford has worked with your folks on a couple bugs or feature requests, and I'm prepared to offer some of our best talent to help make this happen, or to test, or contribute in any way.

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