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APM Agent - Setting Application Name dynamically when running in Cloud

Hi , is it possible to dynamically provide application name , when running in AWS . I have an image with the APM Agent installed (using Java and PHP) . When a new instance is started , i want to overide the Application name that is configured. Is there a way to handle this . 

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Hi Aditya

Apart from configuring the application name in apminsight.conf file, APM Insight Java agent allows you to provide the name as a JVM system property. Use the system property "apminsight.application.name" to set your application/monitor name. The value provided here overrides the value configured in apminsight.conf file

Related KB article is available here

Example: -javaagent:/opt/apminsight/apminsight-javaagent.jar -Dapminsight.application.name=eTicketSystem


In case of PHP agent, there isn't an option to override the value, you can run the following command to replace the application name before starting the PHP agent service

sed -i "s/application.name=.*/application.name=${Newappname}/g" /opt/zpa/conf/apminsight.conf

Replace the ${Newappname} with either a environment variable or direct value


I hope this solution, meets your requirement, if not explain us how do you wish to dynamically set the application name




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