Why application monitoring is necessary for websites

With more and more websites moving towards the open source platforms, custom implementation has become the norm for high profile, high traffic websites. These websites are applications that have been created to perform a specific function directly for the user. They could be delivering a specific user experience or collecting relevant data. The more complicated the functionality the more important monitoring website performance becomes.

Using Site24x7 APM Insight, website admins can get deep visibility into the components that impact their website performance ensuring better performance for end users.

Common sources of performance degradation

From a strictly application performance perspective, there are three sources that can lead to performance degradation. But, these sources are also equally important from a website perspective.

  • Database queries: Queries are the most common source of performance degradation. A large number (mostly unnecessary and repetitive) of queries will increase page load time and negatively impact end user experience.
  • Components: All websites need to communicate with both internal (i.e., methods or functions that are executed within the application e.g.: framework classes like Struts or Spring) as well as external components (i.e., servers that run on a different machine or port outside the application server e.g.: MySQL database). Components that take up a lot of time to respond can cause serious damage to website traffic.
  • Code: Normally application level coding is done with utmost care and thoroughly tested to ensure that users have a seamless experience. But, sometimes slight miscalculations such as defining a smaller data set could make the code run in loop for large iterations. This could end up making end user experience extremely frustrating.

Use traces and get to the root of the problem

More often than not, when a website experiences lag the DevOps team will have a general idea where the problem is. They may know that it's a database issue but without having the necessary tools it's difficult and time consuming to get to the root of the problem.

[caption id="attachment_3807" align="alignnone" width="1876"]monitoring website performance using APM Insight The above demo shows how easy it is to drill down and get to the root cause of a performance issue in a movie ticket booking website using Site24x7 APM Insight. Just click on the point where you have experienced the greatest lag, select the transaction with the highest response time and you will get a detailed view of the issue in question. If you want to drill further down, select a trace on the transaction and you can get the root cause of the issue. In this example it was a Web request which caused the maximum lag.[/caption]

APM Insight helps you dig deep into your code and save both time and money. It's easy to use as well. Just a few clicks and all the necessary information becomes available to you on a single dashboard.

Greater complexity requires greater monitoring

At the start of the 21st century websites acted merely as an introduction into the business of an organization. But now they have evolved to become the main interface that end users use to interact, and conduct business. This means greater traffic, greater complexity and greater chances of performance issues taking place.

This means monitoring website performance efficiently has become a necessity which can no longer be avoided. Using APM Insight you can make do without the guessing and debug every problem efficiently and effectively, ensuring your customers experience a seamless browsing experience.

So what's holding you back? Sign up now for a free Site24x7 trial account.


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