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[New Feature]Real User Monitoring - Q1 updates


We hope your real-time monitoring experience with Site24x7 Real User Monitoring[RUM] has been pleasant and hassle-free. We have rolled out a bunch of new updates for the last quarter and if you haven't yet checked them out, here's what you need to know :

  • Have a detailed look at your application's performance in real-time using RUM Playback. Play, pause and observe how the application behaves across various geographic regions for varying time periods.
  • Get a clear picture of your application's page views usage by viewing application-wise page views split-up. We automatically project your expected page view consumption for the current month based on the current consumption rate.
  • We've completely reworked RUM Snapshots-you can now view all URLs that were triggered during a session along with complete information like domains and critical resources called. 

If you have integrated APM Insight with RUM, refer here to know our latest enhancements in APM Insight. 

If you've already had a chance to try out some of these new features, we'd love to hear your honest feedback.

Happy monitoring!

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