Support for string attributes in threshold and availability profiles.

Set up thresholds for RAM size, IP address, and get alerts when the value given matches/does not match the configured RAM size/IP address.

Microsoft Azure marketplace extensions for in-depth VM monitoring.

Get performance metrics like CPU, memory, disk usage, processes and services, along with more than 50 other metrics for Windows and Linux virtual machines.

VMware Resource Pool monitoring - Keep resource contention at bay.

You can now track the performance of your resource pools and keep an eye on key metrics such as resource pool tree state, CPU and memory reservation, CPU and memory unreserved and details on inner resource pools.

Configure alerts in Real User Monitoring.

You can now configure alerts and set thresholds for critical parameters like errors, exceptions, front-end and back-end time in real user monitoring, also receive alerts in real-time via email or message.

New AWS Integrations.

EC2 Auto Scaling Group: Auto-Scaling Group provides users with the liberty to scale up/down their EC2 instances according to the varying needs of the user.

Neptune: Enable monitoring for your graph-based database deployed in the AWS. We provide you with integration into Neptune Cluster and Neptune Instance. An option to reboot your Neptune Instance is also provided.

WorkSpaces: Track activity for your Linux and Windows virtual desktops in the AWS cloud.

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  • GCP Monitoring
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